Susan Spess Shay

Still playing make believe.

Worship With Me


Is there anything spiritually sweeter than worshipping with your Christian family? (Whether you’re together or apart, near or far.) There may be, but I haven’t found it yet.

Yesterday was no exception. I’m trying not to miss a Sunday at church this year, but I seem to be an every-other-week Sunday School attender. I got out of the habit of going to SS for the two or three years that my hip was so bad. Not a good thing!

Next time, I think I’ll switch to the SS class at the front of the church. It might be geared for our Senior Saints, but if I promise not to slow them down, they might let me come.

I’ve wanted get back into Sunday School each week, but I hate starting in the middle of a study because I feel as if I’m asking questions that have probably been answered already. So I asked Dick, the teacher, what they were studying.

When he answered “Philippians,” and I nearly jumped up and down. (That’s against the rules with my new hip or I might have done it. LOL) 

I love Philippians. One of my favorite books (I probably say that about every book I study.) One of my favorite verses is there–Philippians 2:15: “So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which YOU SHINE LIKE STARS IN THE UNIVERSE.”

Those last seven words are the part I like best. An encouragement by Paul. Even though we’re just tiny points of light, with Christ as the center of our lives we can (and should) shine in a universe of darkness.

I’d missed the first few weeks of his study, so I was afraid I’d missed my verse. Wrong! LOL.  

Dick is a wonderful teacher. You can tell how many hours he’s spend in study and prayer preparing for his class. The way he teaches reminds me of the way Grandad Ray ate chicken. (Stay with me here.)

Grandad was born in 1900, married Grandmother when she was 17, so that was 1922 (I think.) All four of his children were born by 1930, when the Great Depression was in full swing.

I’m not telling you they starved or stood in bread or soup lines, but I know things weren’t easy for anyone at that time. So they wasted very little. When Grandad ate a chicken leg, he didn’t leave much. He ate the meat around the bone, then off the ends of the bone. Right there, more people are finished, but not Grandad. He’d crack the bone, break it in half and suck out the marrow.

As kids, when we asked him about it, he answered, “That’s the best part.”

When Dick teaches, he talks about the parts that every other book talks about, then he goes deeper. He sucks the marrow out of The Word–the best part–and that can’t be done in a hurry.

So far I’ve made it to Sunday School every other week. Don’t ask me why. I made it the first week, but the next I was an hour late and just in time for church. (I’m not sure how it happened, but it made #4 laugh when I told her about it.)

Made it the next week, but not the next. *Sigh* But that’s not so bad. When I miss a week of what Dick’s teaching, I can quickly catch up. 😉

Did you make it to worship yesterday? (Or Saturday, if that’s the day you go.) Do you go to Sunday School?

Do you have a favorite scripture in Philippians? A favorite scripture? What about your SSMT?

If the answers to all those questions are no, post a comment and just say hi.

God is who he says he is.

Author: Susan Shay

For as long as I can remember, I've loved two things--reading and people--and that led me to become a writer. Many of my stories are set in Small Town Worlds. I'm a wife, mother, sibling and an aunt. I have a deep faith in God, and an exciting life in Christ. Maybe I shouldn't be (after all, he's God!) but I'm constantly amazed at the things He's up to. :)

12 thoughts on “Worship With Me

  1. I just finished my quiet time, and of course I prayed for you!
    You are an encourager, and I appreciate that about you. Mama would be proud! Is proud of you!

    • More tears from me, Lisa. Those are the sweetest words you could say to me. Making Mama and Daddy proud was always something I hoped for.
      Thank you for your prayers. I need them a bunch.
      I prayed for you, too. (Mama has always been proud of you!)

  2. God does not love liars.

    • Sorry, my friend. I can’t agree with you. According to my Bible, what you said is not true.

      God loves liars, but He hates the lie–the sin. John 8:44–(Jesus speaking of satan) FOR HE IS A LIAR AND THE FATHER OF ALL LIES.

      God loves you and me, too.

  3. I love that part of the verse too. We always go to Sunday School which I love. My class is studying a book by John Bevere “A Heart Ablaze”. I would have underlined that but I don’t know how! 🙂 I like Phillipians: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.” We go to church every Sunday. Eddie and I are on the music team. He plays his guitar and I play the keyboard (synthesizer).
    It was good to see you today. Sorry if I seemed strange at all but my eyes were so dry and bothering me.

    • That’s wonderful, Terri! I knew we had more in common than just our taste! Why doesn’t it surprise me that you’re on the music team? You’re so talented! I sang on the one in Pryor Creek. It’s fun!
      Which church do you go to? Isn’t your brother a preacher?
      Forgetting and Straining– a great rule to live by.
      Great to see you, too! You didn’t seem any stranger than anyone else. We all were rushing like our hair was on fire because of this freak blizzard that was heading our way.
      Stay warm!

  4. We go to Wynona Assembly of God church. We feel that is where God wants us for now. Yes, my brother Kenny is the pastor of Calvary Worship Center in Hominy. I love him dearly and my mom attends his church too.

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