Susan Spess Shay

Still playing make believe.


Let’s Party!

406835_10151292562477456_978162184_nLet’s start this Halloween with a celebration! You have a chance to win MAKE ME HOWL


and a Halloween surprise!


All you have to do to enter is LIKE my Facebook page (Susan Shay, Author) and either tell me Trick or Treat or the name of your favorite scary movie.


Share it and let me know that you have and I’ll enter you twice!

Have fun!



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When I was so young, there was only one digit in my age (less than 10 years old) Sister Debbie, Marsha Hagberg and I went to see THE BEST scary movie ever–

13 Ghosts!

You really need to watch this wonderful movie for the first time when you’re too young to realize how hokey it is. After all, it was filmed in Illusion-O and you got free ghost viewers! (Wish I still had mine.)

We three girls saw it when we were young enough to be delightfully scared to death. We watched most of it from between our fingers. (Tell me what’s happening!)

The three of us watched The Wolfman, The Mummy, Dracula and Frankenstein the same way and loved every minute of it.

I still love all those great Halloween movies, but 13 Ghosts will always be my favorite. (G-Man doesn’t get it, but I think it missed it the first time it came out. Poor guy.)  

I know there have been other, truly frightening movies made since the “greats” such as Halloween, Friday the 13th and some of those other blood dripping, stomach turning films, but they’re too true to life. The really good ones have absolutely no truck with reality. (A man who turns into a bat and back again? Really?)

And isn’t having fun and setting aside reality what Halloween is really about?

Which kind of Halloween movies do you like best?


The Happy Scarecrow

Like my new header? The happy scarecrow was a guest at our church’s Harvest Hoedown one year (Last year, I think. LOL) and I couldn’t keep from snapping his pic.

I had four pics to choose from.


I love old wagons. The rustier the better!


And I love, love, love old barns. I thought this was so cool!


I almost chose this one. Do you like it? I do!

But The Happy Scare Crow won out. Why?


Because his arms are spread wide in welcome,

header-threehe has a happy grin on his face

header-threeand he makes me feel good!

That’s what I want for visitors here at STW. Be happy, feel good and know you’re very welcome!

header-threeSo which pic do you like? I’ll use the others later.


Read ♥ Read ♥ Read

Maybe I’m biased (who? Me?) but I’ve never understood people who didn’t love to read.

When you read you can go anywhere, see anything, be anyone, experience anything at all and every emotion under the sun!

In just the books I’ve written I’ve been accused of kidnapping (TO SCHOOL A COWBOY) a touch psychic (BLIND SIGHT) and a werewolf with a biting sense of humor (MAKE ME HOWL.) Yes, as Jazzy, the werewolf, I could stand on my own two–make that four–feet. 🙂

When I was growing up, I was Will Rogers with a dry sense of humor, Jane Adams who married a president, Jane Addams who started the first child care centers in America, Amelia Earhart, who had such a sense of adventure she built her own roller coaster as a kid and later learned to fly, and Molly Pitcher, whose husband passed out at his cannon during the Revolutionary War, so she took over for him.

In my years (AND YEARS) of reading I’ve played with Dick, Jane and Spot and lived in a harem. I’ve been a pirate, where I learned to sword fight, I’ve fallen in love over and over again with heroes of every ilk, and I’ve explored the west with Louis L’Amour.

I’ve even walked with Jesus.

I can’t think of many places I haven’t read. Under the covers when I was a kid and supposed to be sleeping, the car, a plane, on a train, college libraries, classes, even on the delivery table when my youngest son was born. (The nurse wrestled the book from my hands when the actual delivery happened.)

The greatest gift I ever received or gave someone else was the love of reading. One of my biggest joys in life was taking my younger siblings and later my children to get their own library cards so they could check out any book they wanted. That was a real gift! (And it didn’t cost a dime.)

Have I mentioned I like to read? (Yes, I get a little passionate about it.)

How about you? What do you like to read?



We Missed ♥ Kevin ♥ but we saw Fort Hayes.

I mentioned that G-Man and I, #2 Son and DIL  went to South Dakota this summer, didn’t I? While we were there, we went to Fort Hayes. The movie wasn’t actually made where the “Fort” stands now, but they are the same buildings and furnishings! This is the room where the crazy guy in DANCES WITH WOLVES gave Kevin his orders.

002 We must have been a little late in the season because the rope maker was gone, but the man who makes pans was there and Nikki learned to make one.


Nikki and the teacher.

027 Learning!



They had great displays.


In case you’re wondering, this isn’t My Mother The Car. (Anyone remember that show?) I asked her and she didn’t answer.

Some I wanted to load up and take home with me.


And we got into a little trouble.


But Matt knew how to escape.


He played us a little tune to celebrate!

016Player piano being played.

I really wanted to take this home!

I really wanted to take this bench home! So pretty! But they wouldn’t let it go. 😦

I loved this wagon.

I loved this wagon, too, although I’m not sure what it was used for in the movie.  (Have you noticed? There wasn’t much I didn’t like.)

We had a great time at Fort Hayes! It would have been even better if Kevin Costner had shown up. I might have let him Dance with a Wolf. (Hey, Jazzy!)