Susan Spess Shay

Still playing make believe.

I Hope You Dance.


A friend of my newest DIL posted on Facebook a couple of pictures of #2 son and me, dancing at his wedding.

I LOVED dancing with my Matt. He’s a great kid (Okay, I know he’s not a kid anymore, but he’ll always be my baby. Sniff!) and someone I’d want to know even if I weren’t related to him.

He made me laugh as we danced. We chatted and had a great time. I don’t know how much fun it is to have daughters (my siblings have some great daughters) but boys are a blast to raise! (Being a natural-born tomboy didn’t hurt.)

Near the end of the song I told Matt what a pleasure it had been to be his Mama. One of the four best gifts in my entire life that God gave me was him.

I shouldn’t have said it. I knew better. But, hey! He needed to know.

Guess who I made cry. (Again.)

Author: Susan Shay

For as long as I can remember, I've loved two things--reading and people--and that led me to become a writer. Many of my stories are set in Small Town Worlds. I'm a wife, mother, sibling and an aunt. I have a deep faith in God, and an exciting life in Christ. Maybe I shouldn't be (after all, he's God!) but I'm constantly amazed at the things He's up to. :)

8 thoughts on “I Hope You Dance.

  1. Hey, I like your hair here. What wonderful photos!

  2. Aww. You made me cry, too. What a wonderful mama you are.

  3. How sweet! Wish we’d been able to stay around for it, but (Southern drawl here) this flow-ah had WILted. 😉

    I don’t think I’ve danced with the kiddo since he got too big to stand on my feet. What a great memory for you and #2 both.

  4. Pingback: My Little Marital Bliss Shop: The Second Dance. And the Third, and the Fourth….. | My Little Flower Shop

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