Susan Spess Shay

Still playing make believe.

Starting a New


I haven’t been on strike. Honest! I was just sucked into a new world. Alternate reality. The place writers go when they give in to their imagination.

In Other Words (IOW) I started writing a new book. And boy! Am I having fun.

I decided to break all my self-imposed rules. Rules like–Never use family names for your characters and Never base books too heavily on my hometown and people in it.

Right now my heroine’s name is Glory Matthews. This is my son, Matthew, sitting on my mom’s lap.
matt and grandmommie_edited-1
My hero’s name is Eli Daniels. This is my son, Danny, driving a Duck.
BTW: I’m thinking this book might be part of a series.
Question: Where’d you get the idea for this book? (That’s a question I hear a lot.)
Answer: I! Don’t! Know!
All I knew was I wanted to write a light, humorous book filled with emotion, so I sent that idea to the basement for the boys to work on. (Stephen King reference.) SISTERS is what they sent back up.
Question: What’s the series’ basic premise?
Answer: Sisters who run a daycare in a small town world. 🙂  
One sister is an RN. Poor thing couldn’t get used to hurting people (injections, taking blood, giving yucky meds) to make them better. The other sister, Star, is an extremely talented baker. She bakes for the coffee shop in town. (And she keeps the kiddos happy at the daycare.)
Their best friend is Halle Kennedy. Halle owns a gift/antique/junk/flower/coffee shop, and I’ll be writing a book based on her romance, too. (Busy girl.)
 BTW: I might have mentioned I have three sons. The third one, Bradley, will be the last name of my hero in the next book. (Unless I change my mind.)
This is my baby boy, Bradley.
The series is set in Sky, Oklahoma, the state’s farthest north town. (By fractions of a millimeter, but hey! It is.)
So if you wondering where I’ve gone, it’s to Sky, but I’m not Lucy and I don’t have diamonds. (Hello, Beatles!) 
Oh, and the name Sky isn’t a wave at the Beatles, it’s a tip of my hat to Skye O’Malley, by Bertrice Small., one of my all time favorite and the very first romance I ever read. So, so good! 
I figure if I’m going to spend most of my spare time and lose sleep writing, I might as well have fun doing it. 🙂
Here’s the question of the day:
What’s your all time ♥ favorite♥ book?
Care to share?

Author: Susan Shay

For as long as I can remember, I've loved two things--reading and people--and that led me to become a writer. Many of my stories are set in Small Town Worlds. I'm a wife, mother, sibling and an aunt. I have a deep faith in God, and an exciting life in Christ. Maybe I shouldn't be (after all, he's God!) but I'm constantly amazed at the things He's up to. :)

9 thoughts on “Starting a New

  1. Is Sky, Oklahoma close to Carson, Oklahoma? 🙂

  2. My all time fav book is Wuthering Heights….I love Heathcliff!! BTW I loved the 2 books of yours that I have read….To School A Cowboy, and Make Me Howl. I will be ordering your other book on Amazon, and look forward to any others that you write. Hope we meet again at our husbands continuing ed in 2014.

    • I’ve never read Wuthering Heights, Wanda. If you recommend it, though, I’ll give it a try. 🙂
      Thank you for your kind words about my books. I’ll be looking for you if we go next year!
      Until then, I’ll hope you’ll come back and visit my Small Town World often!

      • NEVER would I have read a romance novel had I not been blessed to have won it in your drawing Susan. 🙂
        What an awesomely twisted delight after finishing “To School A Cowboy”
        It took a while to get into it, but when I did, I had to finish reading it quickly.

        Thanks so much, now I may have to “purchase” the next one.

        • Maybe you’re getting some good taste, Larry. 🙂 The next one is kinda twisted, too. 🙂 In fact, I wrote BLIND SIGHT, then I let it rest and reread it before I sold it and it surprised me. LOL.
          Susan, who’s still chortling at the ‘rock star’ FB comment. Snort.

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