Susan Spess Shay

Still playing make believe.

God and Prayer


Pryor Creek, Oklahoma. My boys spent much of their growing up years in that wonderful town. I miss PC. (You might have guessed that if you’ve read many of my blogs.)

When we bought the pharmacy and moved to PC, #1 Son was starting 3rd grade, MS was starting preschool, and BB wasn’t a two-year-old yet.

When we moved away from PC, #1 Son had graduated from high school and was attending college in Claremore. MS was in his last year of middle school and BB was in his first year of middle school.

Between those two paragraphs were ten and a half years of getting to know and coming to love a wonderful community. The thing I loved most? The people. (Big surprise, huh?)

I liked the heck out of our customers, loved most of our neighbors and every person in our church, and to be downright honest, I adored the women in my Sunday School class.

There were two woman I connected with in SS like few other people in my life. When we moved to PC, a town where I knew only the preacher and his wife from college, I started praying for prayer partners.

God answered that prayer in high def.

He gave me prayer sisters that I connected with so deeply, I can still feel their prayers in my life today.

We prayed through so much together. Family celebrations. Christian joys and family sorrows. National tragedies. We asked God; He answered.

These two prayer sisters were a wonderful blessing. And I miss them more than I can say. I learned constantly from them, grew deeper in Christ and came to know Him in an even brighter light.

These women are and have always been more than friends to me, and when I see Him face to face, I won’t be surprised to learn they were truly angels, we just didn’t know.

What does it take to make a prayer sister? A heart for God. I was very lucky to have God answer my prayer in such a beautiful way.

I haven’t found non-related prayer partners here in C-Town, except for the crew that we call The Church. The people there are ready and always willing to pray with and for others. There’s a short prayer list each week in the bulletin and a longer one available on the church buttetin board.

Do you ever feel the need for someone to pray with you for yourself or others? Is there someone special you join with in prayer?

Or do you stand on your own when you pray?

Come on and tell me about your prayer life.

Author: Susan Shay

For as long as I can remember, I've loved two things--reading and people--and that led me to become a writer. Many of my stories are set in Small Town Worlds. I'm a wife, mother, sibling and an aunt. I have a deep faith in God, and an exciting life in Christ. Maybe I shouldn't be (after all, he's God!) but I'm constantly amazed at the things He's up to. :)

8 thoughts on “God and Prayer

  1. I usually pray alone. In the middle of the night or talk to Him out loud in the shower or my car. Ususally I pray for others, but lately I have prayed for guidance. I want to know which way to go, and I want to get it right. I haven’t received an answer yet, but He is on His timetable, not mine. A lesson I have learned from experience. I have no doubt He will answer. He always does. I just have to be patient…not something I’m exactly good at. hehe

    Miss you, Susan!! *hugs*

    • You’re very wise, Ash. You’re right, He will answer in his time. Funny the things He teaches us when we’re waiting for something else.
      I miss you bunches and pray for you. I don’t know where he’s taking you but I do know the result will be beautiful.
      *hugs* to you, too!

  2. my sister Lula & her daughter Teresa will pray with you.

  3. I have strong prayer partners , but one I have had since my early 20’s. Ruth was Catholic …and of course I have always been Baptist. We have prayed through the years about everything , from wheat crops, husbands, kids, starting businesses, extended family, deaths, births, and even prayers of thankfulness. When I learned Bob was terminal, after my family guess who I called? My sweet friend Ruth who God gave us the gift of being prayer partners for life over 40 years ago.

    • Prayer partners you can trust with anything are a gift from God, aren’t they? I’m so glad you’ve had Ruth in your life. Catholic or Baptist (or Christian) we all have the same Father, don’t we? So glad you recognized that even 40 years ago.
      I have several very strong Catholic friends and they’re a blessing in my life.
      Love you~

  4. I love you, Susan for being you and being in my life growing up. You and your sisters were my first Bible school that I held in my garage. I think of you and your family as the most Godly family I know. I loved your Mother and still love
    Your Dad as my second parents. I’m saying this to let you know that I pray alone. I don’t know why, I just do, but if I prayed with others, you would be there. I hope you find your
    Prayer family…… You’re the best! The picture is beautiful and I’m glad you’re back!! So much Love to you my neighbor and friend. Susie

    • Susie, I still remember the verse we memorized in your garage Bible school. I don’t know that we’re the most Godly family, but that’s so nice of you to say!
      My prayer family is expanding all the time. I’m so glad I can count you as one of them.
      You were such a big part of my childhood. We’re so lucky to have had our neighborhood to grow up in.
      I miss seeing you!
      Love you right back!

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