Susan Spess Shay

Still playing make believe.


The Machine

Did you vote? I did! Got the sticker and everything. 🙂


Vote (Photo credit: Vaguely Artistic)

Some people might believe the result of the election left a few giants for us to face over the next four years.

Ever notice that we all have giants to face in life?

I heard at church Sunday we should stop telling God how big our giants are and to start telling the giants how big our God is. (Don’t you love that?)

The morning of the election, Sister Debbie sent us this scripture: “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14.

I asked what she was telling us by it. Her answer was, “The result of the election isn’t up to us. It’s up to God.” (I think that’s what she said.)

So we voted, like the good citizens we are. You know the results.

Do you remember the first time you voted? At the risk of telling my age (my mama said a woman who’ll tell her age will tell anything) my first time was when they changed the voting age from 21 to 18. If I’m not mistaken, my younger sister voted for the first time that year, too.

I don’t remember which president we were voting for, but I was single and living in T-Town at the time. It was the one and only time I ever voted using a machine. Talk about a giant!

I lived on a street not too near downtown, close to Woodward Park and not far from Utica Square. There were lots of gorgeous old houses nearby, and some of them had been turned into businesses. I voted in one of those old house/businesses.

That was a dreary/rainy day. I parked out front, walked up a few steps, across the porch and right in the front door of that old red brick house. There wasn’t a line, at least not much of one. When it was my turn, I was directed to a closet. I promise, that space they sent me to felt just like Grandmother’s coat closet.

I stepped inside, pulled the curtain, then turned and faced The Machine. After a short hesitation (gasp!) I remember thinking, “I ain’t afraid of no machine.” I marched right up to the monster. 😉 I’d never seen anything like it in person, but I’d heard about it somewhere.

Surprisingly, voting on the giant was easy, and made way more sense when I was looking at the levers and switches than when I’d read about it.

And if I remember right, the man I voted for president won. Sadly, it turned out when he said, “I am not a crook,” he was lying. 😦

But no matter what he was guilty of, he was the man God put in office.

From Biblegateway

Romans 13:1–Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

And that man deserved our respect and honor as President of the United States until he was removed (or removed himself) from office.

Romans 13:7–Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.