Susan Spess Shay

Still playing make believe.



Ever wonder if you confuse God?

Yesterday, C-Town had a big hoop-la. Big one. Sirens sounded up and down the street. People were evacuated from their homes.

What’s going on?

Naturally, Terminally Curious reared her little head, so Omega and I went to the C-Town American Newspaper to find out what was going on.

Because the sweet woman who runs the office isn’t one to spread unfounded rumors, she couldn’t tell us much . . . until the editor’s mom called. When she wanted to know what was going on, the office lady told what she’d heard (ie: spilled her guts) and, unashamed, we listened.

More rumors filtered in. What’s the first thing you do when you hear about something wild going on around you?

I prayed.

We heard that an ex-husband (or ex-boyfriend or ex-friend, depending on where you heard it) had kicked in a door and was holding a woman and their child hostage. Here’s where I might have confused the Lord. I prayed for this woman and her child and they didn’t even exist!

Since I doubt I’m capable of confusing the Lord, maybe I gave Him a chuckle. “There she goes again, praying for someone who isn’t.”

And I prayed for people who weren’t even involved. We heard a “possible” name about who the guy was (it wasn’t) so I prayed for that guy, his wife and kiddo. I don’t know them (at least he existed and had a wife and child) but I figured God did, and that’s what’s important. Right?

Then my Famous Author BIL came to the office to pick up Omega, and we heard a whole new story. Yup, more prayers for non-existent and non-involved people.

Famous Author BIL

Famous Author BIL

And some our local police were wearing pink t-shirts (for breast cancer awareness. I love our cops!) so I prayed for them when I spotted a pink shirt. At least those prayers were on target! 🙂


So what do you think? When a person (clears throat) prays for someone who doesn’t exist or who isn’t really in the trouble being prayed about, do you think it confuses God or makes Him laugh?

At least no one was injured at all yesterday, and all the police-type people in the area got to put on their armor and get all their toys and practice for the next time a problem like that comes up.

BTW: The really-truly story of what happened was b-o-r-I-n-g. But the afternoon was exciting! 🙂